Thursday, 16 August 2012

16th August

1984: Who has the more ungainly glasses, Wright or Peebles? Tears For Fears' Roland Orzabal skis on the spot, while Black Lace turn up with all their friends.

1990: For a band who'd soon go to all manner of public face extremes, The KLF's debut (if you don't count the Timelords) is quite the capsule of the time's dance music on telly look - needless female dancer, camouflage gear and men hunkered down over relatively simple keyboard patterns. An expanded Go West meanwhile make like a soul band with a frontman who looks like he's constantly ready to chin someone.

1996: To think that Steve Lamacq was once considered obvious TOTP hosting material. OMD's Andy McCluskey had long since given the bass and dad-dancing duties over, and surely there aren't that many violinists on the record? The Spice Girls had a second crack at the whole studio thing, an away fixture for Mel C. Geri's bodywarmer chic didn't last.

2002: Status Quo, back to claim what they imagine to be their rightful place. Rick Parfitt attempted to convince all he'd gone Mod. They didn't need suited gimmicks, though. Unlike Bowling For Soup.

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