Sunday, 2 September 2012

2nd September

1982: It's sixty years of the BBC, and to commemorate Jimmy is wearing shorts and holding a cardboard trumpet. The latter is in honour of Modern Romance, for whom the set designers have gone to town. Not sure 1930s jazz bands had dancers in enormous head-dresses as a matter of course, though. It's even sillier for Shakatak, who are somewhere amid the people dressed as jellyfish, the fairground rides and the girls hanging on Savile's every word. The band, however, have just turned up as they are, which unless there's something we're not privy to can't be said of Captain Sensible, joined by grotesque masks and an unconvincing strongman. Who's that shouting over the intro? The whole setup gives away the pre-recorded nature of Simple Minds' performance, although Jim Kerr keeps up the fancy dress thread by coming as Gary Numan. Anyway, if you're having a rock and roll-based party you seemingly have to invite Showaddywaddy, who've abandoned instruments completely and seem to have adopted two bass singers. Not entirely sure Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five quite fit the feelgood party atmosphere, but a full complement of Zoo and whooping bystanders give it a go. Here's some other bits from the show, including the moment at the end where someone tries to set fire to Savile.

1993: I don't think Ray from 2 Unlimited is really playing that piano part, somehow.

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