Tuesday, 3 April 2012

3rd April

1980: The whole thing. Of note is Kid's name in lights, first off, and see his little kick before the Lambrettas. Madness performances get a free pass anyway, here exploring the twin concepts of boats and Cairo with the headgear, plus Suggs' pith helmet, which doesn't stop them cutting it off at the false ending. It must have been a crush in the green room with them, the Selecter (so many of them a prepatory head count was required) and Dexys. Prima Donna were the Eurovision entry, including Kate Robbins, Sally-Ann Triplet later of Bardo and the following year's co-star Jay's brother Lance Aston (indeed Cheryl Baker was in one of the beaten UK finalists, as was Bruno Tonioli). Confetti and an adaptation of the New Seekers (who, inevitably, one of the six had been in) was never going to topple the Johnny Logan express, really.

1986: The first show featuring The Wizard as the theme. A member of the Clash on Top Of The Pops! Punk is dead! Mick Jones and Big Audio Dynamite, of course, enlivened by Don Letts' arms length relationship with his keyboard. Some people who definitely knew what they were doing were A-Ha, Morten sporting his Warner Brothers jacket and now in the belief that leaning forward over the mike stand constitutes method emoting. So what do you reckon Falco of Rock Me Amadeus fame would dress like for the occasion? Sadly, merely aviator shades and a bomber jacket. Well, he is mid-European.

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