1979: Who says TOTP didn't cater for all cultures? Quantum Jump introduce Native American funk to the mix, Chas & Dave Cockney piano escapades.
1984: It seems the whole thing was online once but this, including half of Ultravox and Madness, is all that remains in one piece. The Smiths clip survives on its own, featuring people behind DLT holding up razors and Morrissey with the hearing aid in.
1990: Fair to say that sylph-like figure is not the original singer with Black Box, especially as that's actually Martha Wash on vocals and she sued the production trio for royalties and contributed to legislation ensuring full credit for recorded vocalists. Don't know if Chad Jackson got into similar trouble, but he sorts out the sampled vocals issue with placards and innumerable people presumably doing something towards the cause however unclear that is. Nice sax work.
2002: Billy Bragg was on this, standing on a box in the audience as I recall, but surprisingly that's nowhere to be seen. Instead we offer A provoking mass air punching and Rhianna - no, not Rihanna, Rhianna - with her own little square to perform on.
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